Curriculum Vitae
研究和项目研究方向/主要研究内容主要研究领域为儒家哲学,特别是关注现当代新儒学、宋明理学同“中国化佛学”的相互交涉。科研项目主持项目:1、国家级高层次人才计划青年项目专项课题2、国家社科基金后期资助项目3、浙江省哲学社会科学规划课题4、贵州省哲学社会科学规划国学单列课题5、中国博士后科学基金一等资助 6、浙江省博士后科研项目择优资助 7、浙江省教育厅一般科研项目(人文社科类)主要参与项目:1、中国语言哲学史(多卷本),国家社科重大课题。2、多卷本《宋明理学史》新编,国家社科重大课题。3、江南儒学的构成与创化,上海市社科招标课题。主要学术成果代表性著作1、《判教与圆教:牟宗三哲学中的天台佛学》(国家社科基金后期资助项目,并入选《中国社会科学博士后文库》暨全国优秀博士后成果奖),即将出版。2、《由湍水之喻到幽暗意识:理学视域下的人性善恶论新探》,上海三联书店,2019。3、(主编)《现代儒学第六辑·儒学的多维发展》,北京:商务印书馆,2020。4、(主编)《复旦哲学讲堂:为学与成人》,济南:泰山出版社,2022。代表性论文一、现当代新儒学:5、《论“圆教”的殊途与同归——以马一浮、唐君毅、牟宗三之儒佛交涉为中心》,《哲学研究》,2021年第9期。(权威期刊)6、《牟宗三对佛学研究的两次转变及其意义》,《世界宗教研究》,2016年第6期。(权威期刊)7、《牟宗三哲学中的两种圆教形态及其内在张力》,《哲学研究》,2016年第10期。(权威期刊)8、《牟宗三“分别说”与“非分别说”辨析》,《东吴哲学学报》,2014年8月第30期。(台湾地区哲学类A级期刊,THCI Core)9、《牟宗三对儒佛圆教的定位》,收入郭齐勇主编:《当代新儒家与当代中国和世界》,孔学堂书局,2017年9月。10、《牟宗三对道家圆教系统的阐释》,收入郭齐勇、刘乐恒主编:《儒家文化研究》(第11辑),北京三联书店,2022年3月。11、《心性与佛性——以<佛性与般若>为例看当代新儒家对佛性问题的诠释》,收入降央克珠、魏德东主编:《国际佛学论丛》(第4辑),中国社会科学出版社,2016年10月。12、《薪尽火传、泽被后世——敬悼刘述先先生》,《鹅湖》(台湾),2016年6月。(并同时在澎湃网·思想栏目全文刊登)。二、宋明理学及其他13、《刘蕺山<人谱>中的“幽暗意识”探原》,《哲学与文化》(台湾地区),2018年4期。(权威期刊,A&HCI)14、《以“水喻”之解读看儒家性善论的多种面向》,《学术月刊》,2017年第10期。(重要刊物)15、《从“恶之来源”看蕺山学在宋明理学中的定位》,《中国哲学史》,2020年第4期。(重要刊物)16、《历史世界是如何可能的?——环绕余英时<朱熹的历史世界>之思考》《清华大学学报》(哲学社会科学版),2015年第3期。(人大复印资料《历史学》全文转载)。(重要刊物)17、(译作) 《宋代思想史的再思考》,田浩(Hoyt Tillman)著、徐波译, 《复旦学报》(社会科学版),2019年第1期。18、《“文明敬香”与当代佛教寺院管理》,收入陈永革主编:《浙江佛教年鉴》(2014 年卷),北京:宗教文化出版社,2015年6月。荣誉及获奖2021年 复旦大学本科教学成果奖(特等奖)(团队成员,主要执笔人)2020年 浙学研究青年优秀论文奖,首批国家级一流课程(团队成员)2019年贺麟青年哲学奖(提名奖)2018复旦大学教学成果奖(特等奖)、上海市教学成果奖(一等奖)(团队成员)2016 第七届刘静窗青年教师奖2014年度香港科技大学“全校最优通识核心课程奖”(团队成员)开设课程2017.6至今本科全校通识核心课:《<孟子>导读》本科专业课: 《汉晋隋唐哲学》(隋唐部分)、《近思录》、《当代新儒家专题研究》。研究生: 《佛学与近现代中国哲学》、《中国哲学前沿问题》、《专业外语》。“中国哲学与文化”英文硕士项目(EMA)课程:《孟子》(全英文)、《中国心性传统:先秦至近现代》(全英文)。2014—2017 浙江大学(Tutorial导修课部分):孔子与《论语》 。2010—2014 香港科技大学(Tutorial导修课部分):Identity Goes Global: From Border Crossing to Boundary Remaking“全球化中的个体认识”(全英文);Buddhism and the Chinese Intellectual Tradition“佛教与中国知识传统”;Introduction toMoral Philosophy“道德哲学导论”(两次,全英文);Chinese Culture and Philosophy“中国文化及其哲学”(双语);Logic“逻辑学”(双语);History of Chinese Philosophy“中国哲学史”。Curriculum VitaeXU, BoPersonal InformationDr. Xu is now an associate professor at School of Philosophy, Fudan University. He graduated with a PhD in Humanities at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology(HKUST), where he studied the assimilation of Buddhism in Mou Zongsan’s Contemporary New Confucianism. Before joining Fudan University, he was a postdoctoral researcher under the Excellent Overseas Doctor Supporting Program at Zhejiang University. He was the winner of “Liu Jingchuang Excellent Young Scholar Award” in 2016, “He Lin Young Philosopher Award (Finalist Winner)” in 2019 and “Common Core Course Excellence Award of HKUST” in 2014. Contact:[email protected] / [email protected]: Room 2510, Guanghua Tower West Main BuildingOffice hour: By appointmentResearch InterestsContemporary Chinese Philosophy, Comparative Philosophy, Buddhist-Confucian Relationship.Education2010-2014 Ph.D. HKUST, Hong Kong SAR, China2007-2010 M.A. Fudan University, Shanghai, China2003-2007 B.A. Nankai University, Tianjin, ChinaCareer2019-present, Associate Professor, School of Philosophy, Fudan University2017-2019, Lecturer (Assistant Professor), School of Philosophy, Fudan University2014-2017, Postdoctoral Researcher, School of Humanities, Zhejiang University2013-2014, Visiting Researcher, Boston University, USA2010-2014, Teaching Assistant, Division of Humanities, HKUST PublicationsBooks: 1、判教与圆教:牟宗三哲学中的天台佛学 Doctrinal Classification and Perfect Teaching: Tiantai Buddhism in Mou Zongsan Philosophy. (Forthcoming)2、由湍水之喻到幽暗意识:理学视域下的人性善恶论新探From Water Metaphor to Dark Consciousness: Exploring the Human Nature Theory in Song-Ming Neo-Confucianism, Shanghai: Joint Publishing Company, 2019. Articles:Chinese Papers:1.“牟宗三对道家圆教系统的阐释”(Mou Zongsan’s illustration of Daoist Perfect Teaching), 儒家文化研究 (Confucian Cultural Research), Issue 11(2020).2.“从“恶之来源”看蕺山学在宋明理学中的定位”(Liu Zongzhou’s Role in Song-Ming Neo-Confucianism: From the Perspective of Origin of Evil.), 中国哲学史(History of Chinese Philosophy), No.3(2020).3.Translation: Hoyt Tillman:“宋代思想史的再思考”(Reflecting Again on the History of Song Thought), 复旦学报(Fudan Journal), No.1(2019):14-22.4.“刘蕺山《人谱》中的“幽暗意识”探原》”(The Dark Consciousness of Human Nature in Liu Zongzhou’s Renpu),哲学与文化(Universitas: Monthly Review of Philosophy and Culture), No.4(2018):71-86. 5.“以水喻之解读看儒家性善论的多种面向”(The Changing Metaphor of Water and Various Dimensions in the Theory of Original Goodness on Human Nature),学术月刊(Academic Monthly), No.10(2017): 46-55.6.“刘蕺山哲学中的罪恶观”(The Idea of Evilness in Liu Zongzhou),王学研究(Wang Yangming Studies), No.2(2017):94-102.7.“牟宗三对儒佛圆教的定位”(The Evaluation of Buddhist Perfect Teaching and Confucian Perfect Teaching in Mou Zongsan). In Guo Qiyong 郭齐勇Ed., Contemporary New Confucianism with China and the World当代新儒家与当代中国和世界, Guiyang: Confucian Academy Press, 2017. 266-274.8.“牟宗三对佛学研究的两次转变及其意义”(The Two Shifts on Mou Zongsan’s Buddhist Study), 世界宗教研究(Studies in World Religions), No.6(2016): 51-60.9.“牟宗三哲学中的两种圆教形态及其内在张力”(Two Types of Perfect Teaching and Their Seeming Tensions in Mou Zongsan’s Philosophy), 哲学研究(Philosophy Research), No.10(2016): 65-70.10.“薪尽火传、泽被后世——敬悼刘述先先生”(In Memory of Liu Shu-hsien), 鹅湖(Legein Monthly), No.6(2016): 32-34.(Also published online at“心性与佛性——以<佛性与般若>为例看当代新儒家对佛性问题的诠释”(Heart-Nature and Buddha Nature: Answers from Contemporary New Confucianism). 国际佛学论丛(International Buddhist Studies ), Issue 4(2016): 67-81.12.“历史世界是如何可能的?——环绕余英时《朱熹的历史世界》之思考(How Could the Historical World Be Possible?-- On Yu Ying-shih’s The Historical World of Zhu Xi), 清华大学学报(Journal of Tsinghua University), No.3(2015): 174-185. (This essay is also reprinted in its entirety by the Information Center for Social Sciences, Renmin University of China)13. “文明敬香与当代佛教寺院管理”(How to Burn Incense in Courtesy and the Management of Modern Buddhist Temple). In Chen Yongge 陈永革Ed., Zhejiang Buddhism Year Book(2014) 浙江佛教年鉴2014年卷, Beijing: Religion Culture Press, 2015. 124-145.14.“牟宗三「分別說」與「非分別說」辨析” (A Comparative Study on Mou Zongsan’s “Discriminating Speech” and “Undiscriminating Speech”), 東吳哲學學報 (Soochow Journal of Philosophy Studies), No.30 (2014.8): 85-110.15.《实践论》对中国古代知行观的发展 (The Development of Chinese Epistemology in Shi Jian Lun), 社会科学研究(Journal of Social Science Research), supplementary issue No.12 (2009).English Papers:16.“The Transcendent Dimension of Confucianism: Religious, Cultivating and Immanent”. Paper presented at the 19th International Conference of the International Society for Chinese Philosophy, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 2015.7.17.“Early Confucian Concepts and Their Impacts on Confucian Orthodoxy”. Paper presented at the Conference of Religion and Politics in Comparison: The Ancient Graceo-Roman World and Early China, 4th Century BCE - 5th Century CE, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, 2014.9.18.“Confucianism: Virtue Ethics or Ethics of Virtue?” Paper presented at the Graduate Seminar of School of Theology, Boston University, Boston, USA, 2013.8。Courses2017.6 - present:Undergraduate Courses: Topics on Contemporary New Confucianism; The Philosophy History of Han, Jin, Sui and Tang Dynasty (In Charge of Sui and Tang Buddhism). The Book of Jinsilu (Reflections on Things at Hand)Special Topics on Contemporary Neo-ConfucianismGraduate Courses: Buddhism and Modern Chinese Philosophy; Special Topics of Chinese Philosophy; Mengzi (in English);Tradition of Chinese Heart-Mind Philosophy: From Pre-Qin to Modern Time (in English)2014-2017 Zhejiang University (Tutorial courses) Kongzi and the Analects 2010-2014 HKUST (Tutorial courses, mainly in English):Identity Goes Global: From Border Crossing to Boundary Remaking;Buddhism and the Chinese Intellectual Tradition;Introduction to Moral Philosophy (Twice);Chinese Culture and Philosophy;Logic; History of Chinese Philosophy.
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